This the List I made and am currently very actively working with.
I love making lists in general, other people don't and it really depends on your approach if they're gonna be helpful or not.
For the sake of documenting - since I was massively overwhelmed by the possibilities and information regarding this trip, I created a 3 in 1 list on my phone via the included Memo App, to have easy access:
To Buy / To Get / To Do
I started putting items into the lists whenever they came into mind and made sure to cross them off whenever I felt the need to get stuff done.
To Buy
- Reisewäscheleine
- Schuhüberzieher
- Waschmittel für unterwegs
- Mini-Fläschchen zum Duschgel etc. umfüllen
- Regenschutz Rucksack
- Regenschutz Koffer
- Japan Rail Pass
- Sim Karte Japan
- Disneyland Tokyo Ticket
- Ghibli Museum Ticket
- Pasmo / Suica Card
- Power-Bank
To Get
- Reisepass
- Kreditkarte
- Auslandskrankenversicherung + Unterlagen
- Impfung (falls nötig)
To Do
- Backup Phone data
- Set up Photo Cloud
- Print out necessary documents
- Sitzplatzreservierung + Menüauswahl Flugzeug
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