This is the list I'm currently packing with - of course packing for a holiday is a highly individual thing to do so make sure to consider your own special needs and rather use this as an inspiration:
- Light Handbag
- Backpack + water protector
- Suitcase + water protector
- Light shoes, suitable for hiking
- Water proof shoe cover (yes those do exist, they look ugly but I prefer it over wet feet or cancelling a trip because of bad weather
- Waterproof jacket with removable warm down jacket
- Enough shirts, warm pullovers, tops, trousers, pyjamas, underwear and socks for one week (I'm gonna wash everything by hand after one week, so I can travel with less stuff)
- Laundry detergent
- Travel clothes line
- Power bank
- Tampons - Ladies make sure to pack them, I heard it's hard to find them in Japan
- JR Rail Pass
- All the vouchers and receeds of bookings (printed and also digitally)
- Flight Tickets
- Passport (make sure it's still valid)
- Cash (own currency and a tiny bit of Yen)
- Creditcard
- Emergency Numbers like credit card, health insurance etc.
- Mobile Phone and Charger (fully charged)
- Neck pillow
- Sunglasses
- A small towell (Toilets often don't provide hand towels)
- Equip yourself with all the necessary Apps for your trip (I'll upload a list of the ones I'm using soonish) or travel guides uf you're using any
- Ipod
- Notebook (paper or electronic)
- "I'm a Vegetarian..." Printout Cards (See post about being a vegetarian in Japan - will upload soonish as well)
- List of important contacts in case you loose your phone
- Basic medicine bag filled with stuff against headaches, colds, coughs, sore throught, back pain, nosal spray, bandage and plasters... you know. Things like that.
- Make up bag with a small mirror (I got a nice travel version that you can hang up somewhere which proved really useful)
- Small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, facial creme. I bought little bottle (30ml) for stuff luke makeup remover or facial oil so I don't need to carry around unneccessary weight.
- Toothbrush, Toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Razor
- Hairbrush
- Pocketmirror
- Qtips
- Zahnbürste, Wattestäbchen, Abschminköl, wattepads, lippenstifte, lippenpeeling etwas abfüllen
- Insect-Spray
- Wallet including only neccessary amount of cards
- Offline availability of Netflix Series (Flight)
- Earplugs
- Maybe light blanked for the flight if the airline does not provide one (Check in advance)
- Sleep mask
- Waterproof phone case
- Desinfectant
- Light/medium scarf
- Lock for luggage
- Heat pack (Pharmacy)
- Plastik bag for liquids (Airport)
- Nail scissors
- Hospitality gifts?
- Chargers for all electronic devices
- Japanese SIM card or Pocket Wifi
- Tool to remove your SIM card if needed
- Emergency phone (eg. an old one in case you loose yours)
- Tissue Papers
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